Written by Bella Lee
Billie Eilish brings the world to a quiet hush with the release of her newest album Hit Me Hard and Soft. This album is the quintessential essence of Eilish’s sound, with minimalist production, ethereal harmonies, and electropop influence. Every piece in the album is part of a holistic artwork, a journey that Eilish takes her listeners on.
The album takes what has come to be known as Eilish’s signature sound and brings the listener into her own mind. It is clear how her entire soul is buried in the vocals and production. The powerhouse brother-sister duo (Finneas and Eilish) have crafted another collection of art and added to the musical world. They have taken Eilish’s tone and paired it with the best of her two most popular sounds: the haunting of Bury A Friend and the graceful ballad of Happier Than Ever. Hit Me Hard and Soft is a mini epic, illustrating a romantic journey that the listener can slowly fall into sync with Eilish. Eilish and Finneas are masters of their craft, proving time and time again that they are experts in the music world.
Eilish has made conscious decisions to keep her creative process quiet and under wraps. This album has had very little promotion in the regular circles. She keeps her public appearances to a minimum, the latest appearance before her album release was when she won 2 Grammys out of the 6 nominated. Her personal relationship with her fans is something to be admired. She is able to keep her creative process out of the public eye, but also maintain a loyal fanbase.
The majority of the album features a minimalist harmonic structure and addictive percussive sound, until the song “L’AMOUR DE MA VIE.” Which translates from French to “the love of my life.” The subdued vocals take a turn into a more aggressive, almost hyperpop tone. It switches the mood of the album into this 80’s inspired beat and Eilish sings the line “It’s over now” several times in a row. She brings the romantic journey into a different state, but instead of it becoming a descent into sorrow, it is almost a feeling of relief and freedom. This song takes several turns musically, demonstrating a different type of heartbreak. A heartbreak that should resonate with listeners all over the world.
Listen to Hit Me Hard and Soft on all streaming platforms now!

Hit Me Hard and Soft tracklist: